Top 14 Best Laravel Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 26, 2024
Top 14 Best Laravel Courses (Online)

Laravel courses for beginners

1. PHP with Laravel for beginners - Become a Master in Laravel

4.5/5 (50332 students) Read the reviews
Edwin Diaz Online course by Edwin Diaz certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to take you from Laravel basics all the way to creating complex applications. You will learn about Laravel's fundamentals, such as routes, controllers, views, models, migrations, template engines, and more. You will also learn about the CRUD, create, read, update, and delete data. In addition, you will learn about the different Eloquent relationships, such as one-to-one, one-to-many, one-to-many inverse, many-to-many, has-many-through, polymorphic relationships, and many-to-many polymorphic relationships.

2. Crash Course Laravel and Vue JS Bootcamp + free CMS

4.5/5 (30404 students) Read the reviews
Gerrit Vermeulen Online course by Gerrit Vermeulen certification icon Certification available

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to use the Laravel framework for PHP and how to integrate it with VueJs. The course is taught from scratch, so even if you have no prior experience, you will be able to follow along. The teacher will also teach you how to deploy your code online and how to add your project to a DigitalOcean server.

3. Beginning Laravel 9 - From Novice to Professional

4.1/5 (23909 students) Read the reviews
Eding Muhamad Saprudin Online course by Eding Muhamad Saprudin certification icon Certification available

This course is an up-to-date resource for learning Laravel, a project-based approach to make sure you understand the concept and how to implement Laravel to build real-world projects. In this course, you'll learn the fundamental of building dynamic websites and web apps using Laravel by building real-world projects. The topics you'll learn include working with databases, routing, controllers, views, rendering dynamic data, working with forms, authentication, authorization, route model binding, form request validation, and working with file storage. By the end, you’ll be able to take what you’ve learned and build own Application you've dreamed about.

4. Laravel pizza ordering web application & deploy on cloudways

4.8/5 (16087 students) Read the reviews
Ranjeet Karki Online course by Ranjeet Karki certification icon Certification available

In this course, the user will learn how to make a pizza ordering system with laravel. The students will learn a lot of core concepts of laravel while building this project. The course is split into three sections. The first section will focus on installing laravel and deploying it. The second section will focus on performing CRUD operations. The final section is the interesting one where the user will be able to filter pizzas, make an order and list the user order history.

5. Master Laravel 8 for Beginners & Intermediate

4.4/5 (12805 students) Read the reviews
Piotr Jura | 35,000+ Enrollments Online course by Piotr Jura | 35,000+ Enrollments certification icon Certification available

This course starts with a very short introduction of what Laravel is and what it can do for you. Then, you will see how to install it and get started. After that, the instructor will cover all the basics of Laravel in great detail, so that you can use it to build any application you can think of.

6. Laravel 8.X and 7.X from beginners to master.

4.6/5 (11210 students) Read the reviews
Héritier N'kele N'kele Online course by Héritier N'kele N'kele certification icon Certification available

This course is designed for those who want to learn how to create a complete Laravel E-commerce web application from scratch. The course covers seven different credit card payment options: Visa, MasterCard, American Express, UnionPay, Diners Club, JCB, and Discover, as well as PayPal.

7. Laravel 8.X & 7.X E-commerce Website From A to Z

4.6/5 (8020 students) Read the reviews
Héritier N'kele N'kele Online course by Héritier N'kele N'kele certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to teach students how to use Laravel to create a complete ecommerce web application. The lessons will cover topics such as creating and viewing products, adding products to a cart, updating product quantities, removing items from a cart, customizing the checkout process, saving and displaying customer orders, and exporting customer orders to PDF.

8. Laravel Multi User Blogging Platform with SEO (2 projects)

4.9/5 (2138 students) Read the reviews
Ryan Dhungel Online course by Ryan Dhungel certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you the Fundamentals of Laravel while building a Multi User Blogging Platform. You will learn about object oriented programming, routing, models, views, controllers, HTML forms, CRUD operations, Eloquent relationships, middleware, image upload, user profile, pagination, search, and deployment.

Advanced Laravel courses

1. Laravel Payment and Subscription Processing: PayPal & Stripe

4.7/5 (1072 students) Read the reviews
JuanD MeGon Online course by JuanD MeGon certification icon Certification available

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to integrate multiple payment platforms into a Laravel project. You will learn how to integrate PayPal and Stripe ( considering Strong customer authentication) and any other platform.

2. Laravel & Realtime: Build Several Realtime Apps with Laravel

4.7/5 (1016 students) Read the reviews
JuanD MeGon Online course by JuanD MeGon certification icon Certification available

This course teaches how to build realtime applications with Laravel. The lectures will cover building a notification system, a realtime API, a game, a chat room, and more. Additionally, students will learn how to use and deploy their own WebSockets server using Laravel WebSockets.

3. Booking System in Laravel With Hybrid Mobile Version

4.6/5 (786 students) Read the reviews
Robert Apollo Online course by Robert Apollo certification icon Certification available

This advanced Laravel course is a challenge and will teach you how to create a real life web application using the very popular Laravel framework. You will also create a mobile version of this application as a separate application for a mobile phone. The Udemy course touches many areas of full-stack web development, not only backend but also css, html, jQuery, JavaScript and others.

4. React, Next.js and Laravel: A Rapid Guide - Advanced

4.4/5 (277 students) Read the reviews
Antonio Papa Online course by Antonio Papa certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you how to build frontend apps using React, Next.js and Laravel. You will learn how to create API's with Laravel, authenticate using Laravel Sanctum, use Laravel Json Resources, install and use Docker, use Redis, use Stripe, and more. In React, you will learn how to create a React project with Typescript, create a Next.js project with Typescript, use React Material UI, use Redux, use React Hooks, create public and private routes, restrict routes for unauthorized users, and more.

Free Laravel tutorials

1. Create a CRUD API with Laravel and Postman

4.5/5 (13677 students) Read the reviews
Quentin Watt Online course by Quentin Watt

This free tutorial will teach you how to create a CRUD API in Laravel. You will learn how to create Show, Create, Update, and Delete requests and returning your data as an API resource. HTTP responses will be tested with Postman. You can later replace Postman with a JavaScript SPA built in React or Vue to fetch data from the app.

2. Laravel login system using Laravel Fortify a complete course

4.1/5 (1238 students) Read the reviews
Penguin Digital Online course by Penguin Digital

In this free online course, you will learn how to use the Laravel Fortify package to quickly put together a Login and Registration system using Laravel. It covers the basics of creating a login and registration page and then cover some more advanced topics like email verification and two-factor authentication.

If you’re a web developer, then you’ve probably heard of Laravel. It’s a popular PHP framework that is used by many developers to create dynamic and responsive web applications.

So, why learn Laravel?

Learning Laravel Online: A Student’s Guide

What is Laravel?

Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.

Laravel is the most popular PHP framework since its inception. It is free, open source, and easy to use. Created by Taylor Otwell, who also created the PHP web application framework Symfony, Laravel is noted for its speed and simplicity.

Laravel has a command-line interface (CLI) named Artisan. Artisan can be used to create a skeleton code for a new Laravel project, manage database migrations, and run unit tests.

Laravel uses the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern. MVC is a software approach that separates application logic from presentation.

In an MVC framework, the model represents the data, the view corresponds to the presentation layer, and the controller manages user interaction.

Laravel follows a convention-over-configuration paradigm. This means that Laravel will automatically configure itself according to the conventions of the majority of PHP developers.

For example, Laravel automatically resolves views that are in the resources/views directory.

Laravel ships with several tools for debugging, testing, and profiling PHP applications. These tools include the Laravel debugbar, Laravel IDE Helper, and Laravel Tinker.

Laravel also provides a local development environment using Homestead, which is a Vagrant box.

Homestead provides you with a virtual machine that contains all the dependencies you need to develop Laravel applications.

Laravel uses Composer to manage dependencies. Composer is a tool for managing PHP dependencies. It allows you to declare the libraries your project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.

Laravel has extensive documentation available online. The documentation is well written and easy to follow. Laravel is a great choice for developing web applications. It is fast, simple, and easy to use.

Laravel vs Other Popular PHP Frameworks

PHP is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Laravel is a popular open-source PHP framework with a wide range of features. It is designed to make the development process simple and efficient.

Let’s compare Laravel with other popular PHP frameworks.

Laravel vs Symfony

Symfony is another popular PHP framework. It is an open-source framework with a wide range of features. Symfony is suitable for large-scale projects. It is also compatible with a wide range of databases. Laravel is easier to learn than Symfony. Laravel has a wide range of features, but it is not suitable for large-scale projects. Laravel is not compatible with some databases.

Laravel vs CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework with a wide range of features. It is suitable for small to medium-sized projects.

CodeIgniter is easy to learn and use. Laravel has more features than CodeIgniter. Laravel is suitable for large-scale projects. Laravel is not compatible with some databases.

Laravel vs Cake

CakePHP is a popular open-source PHP framework. It is suitable for small to medium-sized projects. CakePHP is easy to learn and use. Laravel has more features than CakePHP.

Laravel is suitable for large-scale projects. Laravel is not compatible with some databases.


If you’re just getting started with Laravel, then there are a few learning resources you might find helpful:

  • Laravel: The Official Documentation – This is the official documentation for Laravel, written by the creators of the framework. It’s a great place to start if you’re just getting familiar with the framework.
  • Laracasts – Laracasts is a website that provides video tutorials on Laravel and other web technologies. The videos are made by Jeffrey Way, who is a well-known figure in the Laravel community.
  • Laravel News – Laravel News is a website that provides articles, tutorials, and other resources related to Laravel.
  • Laravel Podcast – The Laravel Podcast is a podcast about Laravel, PHP, and web development in general.
  • Laravel Spark is a good place to start, as it provides a scaffolding for building Laravel applications.
  • If you’re looking for more advanced help, then you can always reach out to the Laravel community. The Laravel Community Portal is a good place to start, as it provides a directory of Laravel-related resources.

Other relevant courses:

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Laravel easy to learn?

Laravel is considered relatively easy to learn compared to other PHP frameworks. It has great documentation and a large community of supportive users. Laravel's expressive syntax makes code easy to read and understand, and its built-in tools simplify common tasks such as authentication, sessions, caching, and routing.

How long will it take to learn Laravel?

It can take some time to get familiar with all of its features, but learning the basics shouldn't take more than a few days. Once you know how to use Laravel, you can start building amazing web applications in no time!

Is Laravel worth learning?

Yes, Laravel is definitely worth learning. It is a popular PHP framework that enables developers to create robust, scalable applications. Laravel provides an excellent toolkit for implementing common tasks such as authentication, routing, and caching. In addition, Laravel's ORM (Eloquent) makes working with databases very easy. Overall, Laravel is an excellent choice for anyone looking to develop PHP applications.

What is Laravel used for?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework for building modern web applications. It is used for developing fast, secure, and scalable websites and web applications. Laravel makes development simple and efficient by providing a set of tools and features that streamline common tasks, such as routing, authentication, caching, and database management.

Is Laravel backend or frontend?

Laravel is a backend web application framework written in PHP. It is designed for developers who need a simple, elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.

Is Laravel still relevant?

Laravel is definitely still relevant. It is a very popular framework for PHP and continues to be updated regularly. Additionally, there is a large community of Laravel developers and enthusiasts who are always creating new packages and modules to keep the framework fresh.

Is Laravel in demand?

It is one of the most popular PHP frameworks and is used by many large and small businesses all over the world. Laravel is in high demand due to its ease of use and flexibility.


Laravel is one of the most popular web development frameworks today. In this article, we have looked at some of the best ways to learn Laravel online.

Whatever learning approach you choose, make sure you practice a lot. The best way to learn Laravel is to build something with it.

So get started today and see what you can create!

David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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