Top 9 Best Sass Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 6, 2024
Top 9 Best Sass Courses (Online)

Sass courses for beginners

1. SASS - The Complete SASS Course (CSS Preprocessor)

4.6/5 (5151 students) Read the reviews
Code And Create Online course by Code And Create certification icon Certification available

This Udemy course teaches you about the popular CSS Extension SASS, and will help you to build modern and beautiful websites. Topics covered include variables, mixins, extend, placeholder selectors, functions, imports, data types, interpolation, loops, if directives, and more. Through the course, you will gain an understanding of modern practices and solutions, and will build two projects - a Restaurant website and Clothes Store website - both with responsive designs. Support from instructors is available.

2. Sass Course For Beginners: Learn Sass & SCSS From Scratch

4.4/5 (11644 students) Read the reviews
Ashutosh Pawar Online course by Ashutosh Pawar certification icon Certification available

This Sass Course for Beginners covers the fundamentals of Sass and SCSS, teaching word-by-word explanations in over 3.5 hours of HD Videos. Students will learn how to create clean, efficient and reusable designs, including topics such as Compiling Sass Code & Variables, Nesting, Mixins & Passing Arguments To Mixins, Partials & Imports, Sass Interactive Shell & Arithmetic In Sass, Functions, Extend, Conditional Statements, Sass Operators, Maps In Sass, Strings & String Functions, Lists & Each, Placeholder Selectors, Interpolation, Loops In Sass, Sass Frameworks, and Building A Portfolio Site.

3. The Sass Course! Learn Sass for Real-World Websites

3.7/5 (2970 students) Read the reviews
Brad Hussey Online course by Brad Hussey certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you the basics of Sass to supercharge your CSS stylesheets and increase your web design productivity by 150%. This course is packed with hands-on lessons and sprinkled with entertainment and humor. With a 100% money-back guarantee, students are sure to learn something new and surpass the ever-changing web design and coding world.

4. Advanced CSS & SASS: Framework, Flexbox, Grid, Animations

4.2/5 (277 students) Read the reviews
Norbert B. Menyhart Online course by Norbert B. Menyhart certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to help beginner CSS developers take their coding skills to the next level. It covers topics such as flexbox layouts, grid layouts, CSS transitions and animations, responsive design, SASS, and reusable components. It also includes 20+ hours of downloadable HD videos, downloadable assets, HTML starter code, English closed captions, and friendly and fast support in the course Q&A. The main goal of this course is to help students become more efficient developers by teaching them to break down CSS into manageable pieces. Upon completion, students will have a deep understanding of CSS and be able to create their own portfolio website.

5. Complete SASS course for beginners w/ real world projects

4/5 (35 students) Read the reviews
DigiFisk (Programming is fun) Online course by DigiFisk (Programming is fun) certification icon Certification available

This course teaches web designers and developers about SASS to take their web design projects to the next level. It covers topics such as variables, flow controls, mathematical operations, functions, and mixins, along with how to install and setup SASS. It is divided into five modules: Introduction & Setup, SASS Fundamentals, Nested, Parent Selectors & More, SASS Conditionals and Loops, and Functions & Mixins.

Advanced Sass courses

1. Advanced CSS and Sass: Flexbox, Grid, Animations and More!

4.8/5 (172343 students) Read the reviews
Jonas Schmedtmann Online course by Jonas Schmedtmann certification icon Certification available

This course will teach students the most advanced and modern CSS techniques and properties, along with fundamental concepts and CSS architecture. Students will also learn to use Flexbox, CSS Grid, and Sass for their projects, as well as animations and responsive design. The course is 28+ hours and is not for beginners. Upon completion, students will be up to speed on the most modern techniques, understand how CSS works behind the scenes, be able to architect complex codebases, and build responsive layouts.

2. The Modern Flexbox, Grid, Sass & Animations Developer Course

4.7/5 (3912 students) Read the reviews
Muslim Helalee Online course by Muslim Helalee certification icon Certification available

This course covers CSS Flexbox, CSS Grid, Sass, and advanced CSS Animations, with a focus on UI web design and responsive web design. You will create three websites: a portfolio website for Designers and Developers, a Villa Booking website, and a Fitness website. This course is suitable for intermediate learners and moves beyond the advanced level. It also features regular updates.

Free Sass tutorials

1. Sass Workflow

4.6/5 (57499 students) Read the reviews
Lawrence Turton Online course by Lawrence Turton

This free course will teach you how to use the Sass preprocessor to maintain structured and organized stylesheets. You will learn how to use the command line to keep your CSS up to date and convert between Sass and SCSS. You will also learn how to use variables, mixins, if statements, loops, maths, inheritance and more to make your CSS more functional.

2. Sass For the Beginners Course - Let's go ahead

4.6/5 (10579 students) Read the reviews
Akshay Kashyap Online course by Akshay Kashyap

This free course covers everything you need to know to use the popular CSS extension SASS to build modern and beautiful websites. Topics covered include installation, variables, mixins, extend, placeholder selectors, functions, imports, partials, and more. You will also learn how to make websites responsive to all screen sizes with SASS techniques. The course is suitable for all levels of experience, from beginners with no prior knowledge to experienced users.

Are you looking to level up your web development skills? If so, you should consider learning Sass.

Let’s explore the benefits of learning Sass and why it’s essential for any web developer.

Learning Sass Online: A Student’s Guide

Introduction to Sass

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a dynamic stylesheet language that helps developers and web designers create efficient, maintainable, and reusable code.

With Sass, developers can write stylesheets more quickly, with fewer errors, and with a consistent syntax. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding features such as variables, nesting, and mixins to the basic CSS structure.

Sass is a preprocessor, meaning it adds features to CSS before it is compiled into a browser-readable format. It’s also an interpreter, so it can compile changes to the stylesheet without having to reload the page.

This allows developers to quickly test changes and iterate on the design. At its core, Sass is a scripting language that uses the same syntax as CSS.

It allows developers to create variables, functions, and mixins, which can be used to create complex stylesheets without having to repeat code.

It also provides features such as loops, if-else statements, and functions, which make writing CSS much easier. Sass is an incredibly powerful language, and it can be used to create complex, responsive designs.

It is often used in conjunction with frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation, which makes it even easier to create responsive layouts. The most popular way to use Sass is through a CSS preprocessor such as Libsass or Ruby-Sass.

These tools allow developers to write their Sass code in a text editor, and then compile it into a browser-ready CSS file. This makes it easier to manage and maintain stylesheets, and ensures that they are always up-to-date with the latest web standards.

Sass is an incredibly powerful language, and it can be used to create complex, responsive designs.

With its robust features, it’s no wonder why Sass has become so popular among web developers. If you’re looking for an easy way to create efficient, maintainable, and reusable code, then Sass is the perfect choice.

Using Sass with Other Frameworks

When it comes to web development, frameworks have become increasingly popular over the years. Frameworks such as Bootstrap, Foundation, Materialize, and Semantic UI have become go-to tools for developers who need to quickly and easily create responsive websites.

While these frameworks are great for creating simple, quick sites, they also have their limitations. Fortunately, Sass can be used to extend the capabilities of these frameworks and create more complex, customized websites.

When using Sass with frameworks such as Bootstrap and Foundation, you can easily customize the look and feel of your website. For example, you can use Sass variables to change the default colors of your website or tweak the grid layout.

You can also easily create custom classes that are specific to your website. By using Sass with these frameworks, you can create a unique design without having to write all the code from scratch.

In addition to using Sass with frameworks, you can also use it in combination with other tools such as Gulp and Grunt. By using Gulp and Grunt you can automate tasks such as compiling your Sass files into CSS and minifying your code.

This makes it much easier to keep your code organized and makes it easier to maintain and update your website. Using Sass with frameworks and other tools can be a great way to quickly and easily create custom websites.

It also allows you to create styles that are consistent across multiple pages and makes it easier to maintain and update your code.

So if you’re looking for a way to quickly and easily create custom websites, using Sass with frameworks and other tools is definitely worth considering.

Sass learning resources

In this section, we’ll explore some of the best learning resources available for Sass.

  • The official Sass website. On this website, you can find detailed documentation on the language, as well as tutorials and examples for getting started with Sass. The website also offers a comprehensive guide to the most popular CSS preprocessor, so it’s the perfect place to start.
  • For those who want to dive a little deeper into the language, there are several books available on the subject. One of the best of these is Pragmatic Guide to Sass by Hampton Catlin and Michael Lintorn Catlin. This book covers the ins and outs of Sass in an easy to follow manner, making it perfect for both beginners and experienced developers alike.
  • There are a number of websites and blogs dedicated to Sass. These are invaluable resources for learning more about the language, as they provide up-to-date information on Sass development and tips on how to use Sass effectively. Some of the best of these include Sass News, Sass Blog, and the Sass Way.
  • Sass Tutorial for Beginners – CSS With Superpowers – Freecodecamp on youtube
  • Learn SASS/SCSS tutorial – Javatpoint
  • A Better CSS: LESS and SASS – Pluralsight
  • The big SASS tutorial: what you need to know! – IONOS

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to learn Sass?

For someone with a fundamental understanding of coding and web design, it could take as little as a few hours to understand the basics of Sass. For others with less experience, it could take a few days to a few weeks to become familiar with the syntax and commands. Ultimately, learning Sass can take as long or as little time as the individual learning requires.

Is Sass still worth learning?

Absolutely! Sass is still a popular language for creating stylesheets and it is a great tool for streamlining web development. It provides developers with a powerful and efficient way to quickly create and maintain stylesheets. It makes CSS more organized, maintainable, and extensible. It also helps reduce the amount of code needed for more complex websites, which makes Sass an excellent choice for those looking to build a more efficient and organized project.

Is Sass easy to learn?

Yes, Sass can be easy to learn, depending on your prior knowledge and experience with CSS. While some aspects of Sass such as nested selectors and variables can be tricky to master, its syntax is similar to that of CSS and basic Sass styling can be picked up fairly quickly. There are a number of online tutorials and resources available to help newcomers, and understanding the fundamentals of Sass can lead to faster, more efficient styling.

Is Sass still relevant?

Yes, Sass is still relevant today. It is a powerful and popular CSS preprocessor with a vibrant community of developers who continue to use and develop it, which ensures its continuing relevance. It allows web developers to write better, more maintainable code faster, and its features like variables, functions, and mixins make it a great tool for speeding up development cycles and making code more efficient. Despite the emergence of new CSS preprocessors, Sass remains popular today.

What is Sass and SCSS?

Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) is a scripting language that is interpreted into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). It is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into CSS. SassScript is the scripting language itself and SCSS (Sassy CSS) is a syntax for SassScript. SCSS is a superset of CSS which means any valid CSS is valid SCSS as well. Sass and SCSS are used to write style sheets that are more concise and easier to maintain, as well as help keep style sheets more organized.


In conclusion, learning Sass online can be a great way to quickly become proficient in the web development language and take your web development projects to the next level.

With the resources available and the ease of use of Sass, there is no reason not to get started today.

With the right knowledge and practice, you can become a Sass expert in no time.

David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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