Top 15 Best JavaScript Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 5, 2024
Top 15 Best JavaScript Courses (Online)

JavaScript courses for beginners

1. Master JavaScript: Go from Beginner to Pro

Mosh Hamedani Online course by Mosh Hamedani certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to help those looking to pursue a career in web or mobile development learn the fundamentals of JavaScript, from basic concepts such as variables and types to modern JavaScript features used in apps. It offers a comprehensive, clear, concise approach with step-by-step solutions and real-world examples, and is suitable for those with no prior knowledge of JavaScript.

2. The Complete JavaScript Course: From Zero to Expert!

4.8/5 (663343 students) Read the reviews
Jonas Schmedtmann Online course by Jonas Schmedtmann certification icon Certification available

This course is a comprehensive guide to learning JavaScript, from the very basics to advanced concepts. It includes real-world projects, deep explanations, theory lectures, and challenges to help you become a professional developer.

3. The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!

4.5/5 (304523 students) Read the reviews
Joseph Delgadillo Online course by Joseph Delgadillo certification icon Certification available

This course is designed for students who want to learn full-stack JavaScript development, working on coding projects using ReactJS, NodeJS, LoopbackJS, Redux, Material-UI, and socket programming. The course covers the basics of React, how to create components and work within the React life-cycle, how to build a feature-rich blog app using React and LoopbackJS, and how to program a chat app using socket programming.

4. Complete Modern JavaScript Firebase BootCamp the beginner

4.1/5 (178123 students) Read the reviews
Kim Chen Online course by Kim Chen certification icon Certification available

This is a course on JavaScript, teaching students the language from scratch. The course covers all features of the language, and also teaches students how to use those features to create complete applications. The course also covers Firebase, and how to use it to build web applications.

5. JavaScript - The Complete Guide (Beginner + Advanced)

4.6/5 (112756 students) Read the reviews
Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller Online course by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller certification icon Certification available

In this course, you will learn JavaScript from the ground up. The course is comprehensive and modern, based on the author's experience as a long-term JavaScript developer and teacher. The course covers the core basics of the language, as well as advanced concepts and JavaScript specialties. You will also learn about performance optimization and testing.

6. Modern JavaScript From The Beginning

4.7/5 (97894 students) Read the reviews
Brad Traversy Online course by Brad Traversy certification icon Certification available

This is a JavaScript course for absolute beginners that will teach you the basics and fundamentals of JavaScript and work your way up to advanced programming. The course includes projects such as a task list with local storage, a loan calculator, a number guess game, and more.

7. The Modern Javascript Bootcamp Course

4.8/5 (54123 students) Read the reviews
Colt Steele Online course by Colt Steele certification icon Certification available

The Modern Javascript Bootcamp is a udemy course that focuses on teaching the basics of Javascript and how to write code that is beautiful and reusable. The course is divided into two parts, with the first half focusing on the basics of the language and the second half focusing on building projects. The topics covered in the course include variables, objects, arrays, functions, design patterns, performance, and more.

8. 20 Web Projects With Vanilla JavaScript

4.8/5 (33847 students) Read the reviews
Brad Traversy Online course by Brad Traversy certification icon Certification available

This is a course for people who want to learn how to build things using HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript with no frameworks or libraries. The course is project-based, and the projects are designed to be completed in a few hours. Some of the things you will learn in this course include how to create layouts and UI's with HTML/CSS, how to use CSS animations, how to use the JavaScript DOM, and how to work with local storage.

Advanced JavaScript courses

1. Object-oriented Programming in JavaScript

4.7/5 (17839 students) Read the reviews
Mosh Hamedani Online course by Mosh Hamedani certification icon Certification available

In this course, you will learn about object-oriented programming (OOP) in JavaScript. You will learn about the core principles of OOP, how to implement OOP concepts in JavaScript, and about objects, their properties, property descriptors, getters, and setters. You will also learn about the difference between factory and constructor functions, how "this" works in JavaScript, prototypes and prototypical inheritance, and ES6+ features used in object-oriented programming.

2. Advanced JavaScript Topics

4.6/5 (5146 students) Read the reviews
Steven Hancock Online course by Steven Hancock certification icon Certification available

This course is for those who want to improve their JavaScript skills. It covers advanced topics such as objects and functions, the value of 'this', closure and IIFEs, the namespace and module patterns, JSON, and the prototype. The course contains 15 sections, over 90 lectures, over 17 hours of video, 4 quizzes, 9 assignments, 1 large project, and several "Think Like a Programmer" sections.

3. Test Driven Development using Javascript and Jest

3.8/5 (3191 students) Read the reviews
Mark Robson Online course by Mark Robson certification icon Certification available

This course is about Test Driven Development (TDD) with javascript and how to use it in the real world. You will learn what unit tests are and how they help to break down a problem. The course will also teach you how to build a 'Game of Life' simulation using TDD.

4. Modern JavaScript: Building Real-World, Real-Time Apps

4/5 (2368 students) Read the reviews
3D BUZZ Programming and Digital Art training Online course by 3D BUZZ Programming and Digital Art training certification icon Certification available

This course is all about creating a fully functioning production ready, real time web application! We will learn how to bring together many different libraries and techniques from the JavaScript ecosystem together into a cohesive product that is ready for deployment.

5. JavaScript Game Development: Create a Zombie Horde Game

3.9/5 (2050 students) Read the reviews
Morgan Page Online course by Morgan Page certification icon Certification available

This course is for people who want to learn JavaScript and create a zombie shooter game. The course will cover topics such as animation, input handling, and game state. By the end of the course, you will have created a full game that you can deploy to the internet.

Free JavaScript tutorials

1. Javascript Essentials

4.5/5 (335832 students) Read the reviews
Lawrence Turton Online course by Lawrence Turton

In this free tutorial, you will learn the basics of Javascript, including primitive types, arrays, functions, assignment operators, the window object, and more. The tutorial will also provide clear explanations of objects, constructors, and arrays. Additionally, you will learn about more advanced topics such as prototype inheritance, scope, execution context, and more.

2. Getting Started with TypeScript // A Javascript Compiler

4.3/5 (27740 students) Read the reviews
Justin Mitchel Online course by Justin Mitchel

This free online course explains the basics of TypeScript and how it can be used to write better JavaScript code. The course is designed to help prepare students for our other course, Try Angular.

If you want to learn JavaScript, there are a few things you should know. First, JavaScript is a programming language that is used to make web pages interactive.

Second, it is not difficult to learn, but it will take some time and effort. Third, there are plenty of resources available to help you learn. Here are a few tips to get started.

Learning JavaScript Online: A Student’s Guide

The Best Resources for Learning JavaScript Online

There are a ton of great resources for learning JavaScript online. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Codecademy’s JavaScript Track – Codecademy offers a great interactive course for learning JavaScript. You can work your way through the lessons at your own pace and see your progress as you go.
  • Scrimba’s Introduction to JavaScript – Scrimba’s course is a bit more advanced than Codecademy’s, but it’s still a great resource for learning JavaScript. The course is taught by Dylan Israel, who is a great teacher and makes complex concepts easy to understand.
  • freeCodeCamp’s Learn JavaScript – freeCodeCamp’s JavaScript course is completely free and covers everything from basic JavaScript syntax to advanced topics like building React apps.
  • MDN’s JavaScript Guide – MDN’s JavaScript Guide is a great reference for JavaScript developers of all levels. It covers everything from basic syntax to advanced topics like working with the DOM.
  • JavaScript for Cats – JavaScript for Cats is a great resource for learning JavaScript if you’re just getting started. It’s written in a fun and approachable way, and it covers all of the basics.

These are just a few of the great resources for learning JavaScript online. With so many great options available, other noteworthy online courses include:

There’s no excuse not to start learning today!

How to choose a javascript course

When it comes to choosing a JavaScript course, there are many factors to consider. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Decide what level of course you need. If you’re a complete beginner, then you’ll need a course that covers the basics of JavaScript. If you already have some experience with the language, then you can choose a more advanced course.
  2. Consider the course content. Make sure the course covers the topics you’re interested in and that it’s up-to-date with the latest versions of JavaScript.
  3. Consider the teaching style. Some courses are more hands-on, while others are more theoretical. Choose the teaching style that best suits your learning style.
  4. Consider the price. Courses can range in price from free to several hundred dollars. Choose the price that fits your budget.
  5. Read reviews. Before enrolling in a course, read reviews from other students to get an idea of the quality of the course.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to choose the best JavaScript course for your needs.

Why learn javascript?

There are many reasons for web developers to learn the javascript programming language, but here are some of the most important ones:

  • JavaScript is one of the most popular programming languages in the world.
  • JavaScript is used by millions of websites and is supported by all major web browsers.
  • JavaScript can be used to create interactive web pages.
  • It can be used to create web applications.
  • It is easy to learn for beginners.
  • JavaScript is a versatile language that can be used for many different purposes.
  • JavaScript is constantly evolving and there are many new libraries and frameworks being released all the time.
  • Learning JavaScript will make you more marketable and sought after by employers.
  • JavaScript is a great language to learn if you want to get into web development or programming in general.
  • There are many resources available online and offline to help you learn JavaScript.

Javascript Frameworks you should consider learning

As a web developer, you will inevitably have to make a decision about which JavaScript framework to use at some point.

There are many different JavaScript frameworks available, each with its own pros and cons. In this blog post, we will take a look at the top JavaScript frameworks and see what sets them apart.

The most popular JavaScript framework is jQuery. jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It makes things like HTML document traversal and manipulation, event handling, animation, and Ajax much simpler with an easy-to-use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

If you are looking for a framework that is easy to learn and has a wide range of features, taking a jQuery course is a good choice.

Another popular JavaScript framework is AngularJS. AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and extends HTML’s syntax to express your application’s components clearly and succinctly.

AngularJS’s data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write, and it all happens within the browser, making your application more responsive and fast.

If you are looking for a framework that is more focused on performance, you may want to consider React.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is declarative, efficient, and flexible. React uses a virtual DOM which is a JavaScript representation of the actual DOM.

This allows React to perform updates more efficiently since it only has to update the virtual DOM, rather than the actual DOM.

There are many other JavaScript frameworks available, like Vue.js and others, but these are the three most popular ones.

Which one you choose will ultimately depend on your specific needs and preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I learn JavaScript within 3 months?

Yes, you can learn JavaScript within 3 months. However, you will need to be dedicated to learning the language and be willing to put in the time to practice. There are a number of resources available online to help you learn the language, including tutorials, books, and online courses. In addition, there are many active JavaScript communities that can provide support and assistance.

Can I learn JavaScript for free?

Yes, you can learn JavaScript for free. There are many ways to learn JavaScript, including online resources, books, and courses. While some people may charge for JavaScript resources, there are many free resources available that can help you learn the basics and beyond.

Can I teach myself JavaScript?

Yes. While it is always helpful to take courses or participate in tutorials, at its core JavaScript is a very simple language that is easy to pick up. With a little bit of effort and some practice, anyone can teach themselves JavaScript.

Is it hard to learn JavaScript?

No, JavaScript is not hard to learn. In fact, it is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. However, like any language, it does take some time and effort to learn.

Which is harder Python or JavaScript?

Some people may find Python easier to learn than JavaScript because Python has a more consistent syntax and a simpler structure. Additionally, Python is not as client-based as JavaScript, meaning that it can be run on any computer without the need for a web browser.

Is Javascript Object oriented?

Javascript is not a purely object-oriented language, but it is possible to write code in an object-oriented style. In an object-oriented javascript program, objects are created to represent data and functionality. Objects can be created from built-in constructors (such as Array or Date) or user-defined constructors. Objects can inherit properties and methods from other objects, and the relationships between objects can be represented using prototypes.

Is Javascript the same as Java?

No, JavaScript and Java are not the same. Java is a programming language and JavaScript is a scripting language.Java is a compiled language, meaning that it is converted into machine code that can be executed on any computer. JavaScript is an interpreted language, meaning that code is run on a browser or server without being compiled first.

Will Javascript become obsolete?

No, JavaScript will not become obsolete. It is still the most popular programming language and continues to be in high demand. There is a lot of innovation happening with JavaScript and new libraries and frameworks are constantly being created.

Will learing Javascript get me a job?

The field of web development is always changing and the demand for different skills varies from region to region. That said, learning JavaScript is a good way to make yourself more marketable as a web developer, as it is one of the most popular programming languages in use today. In general, the more programming languages you know, the better your chances are of landing a job in web development.

Is there a Javascript certificate?

There is no javascript certificate, but there are various javascript courses available online and offline.


In conclusion, learning JavaScript online can be a great way to improve your programming skills.

There are many resources available to help you learn the language, and you can find a variety of online courses to suit your needs.

With a little time and effort, you can become a proficient JavaScript programmer.

David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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