Top 5 Best Nuxt.js Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 8, 2024
Top 5 Best Nuxt.js Courses (Online)

1. The Nuxt 3 Bootcamp - The Complete Developer Guide

4.4/5 (1829 students) Read the reviews
Laith Harb Online course by Laith Harb certification icon Certification available

This course is an in-depth exploration of Nuxt 3. By the end, participants will become Nuxt experts by building six real-world projects, learning Nuxt's features, refreshing their Vue 3 knowledge, and integrating their app with Supabase. Topics to be covered include file-based routing, layouts, defining page metadata, composable state management, making HTTP requests, and building a REST API.

2. Nuxt.js - Vue.js on Steroids

4.6/5 (31069 students) Read the reviews
Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller Online course by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you how to use the Nuxt.js library for Vue.js to build optimized, high-performance user interfaces and single page applications. The lectures cover topics like server-side rendering, configuration via folders and files, different build possibilities, and more. By the end of the course, students will have a complete Vue app built with Nuxt.js that can be rendered on the server or as a static website.

3. Complete Nuxt.js Course

4.3/5 (1031 students) Read the reviews
OnlyKiosk Tech Online course by OnlyKiosk Tech certification icon Certification available

This Nuxt JS online course is suitable for people with basic Vue knowledge and includes five sections: Nuxt basics, Nuxt plugins and modules, Nuxt routing system, Nuxt context, and data exchange with the backend program. After each section, there will be an infographic article for review and a practice session to apply what has been learned.

4. Vue, Nuxt.js and Django: A Rapid Guide - Advanced

4.7/5 (252 students) Read the reviews
Antonio Papa Online course by Antonio Papa certification icon Certification available

This course is an introduction to creating an Ambassador App using VueJS, Nuxt.js and Django Rest Framework. It will cover creating APIs with Django Rest Framework, using Docker, protecting routes, login with HttpOnly cookies, login with scopes, Redis, Stripe, sending emails, and filtering cached products. It also covers using Vue with Typescript, Nuxt.js with Typescript, Vuex, Composition API and Options API, and Vuetify, as well as creating public and private routes and paying with Stripe. The instructor has 10+ years experience as a FullStack Developer, and teaches with a straightforward approach. He also offers support within 12 hours, and regularly updates the course.

5. Nuxt.js - Blazing Fast Static Sites with Vue.js (FREE)

3.8/5 (6423 students) Read the reviews
Carter Snook Online course by Carter Snook

This course will teach students how to create static generated websites with Nuxt JS, which uses Vue JS, to improve SEO ranking and loading speed. The generated websites are in plain HTML, so search crawlers can read them, compared to regular websites which do not allow search crawlers to see the content.

Are you a web developer looking to stay ahead of the competition? Nuxt.js might just be the tool you need to give your project a competitive edge.

Let’s explore why learning Nuxt.js is essential for forward-thinking web developers and why it can give you the advantage you need to succeed.

Learning Nuxt.js Online: A Student’s Guide

Advantages of Using Nuxtjs

One of the main advantages of using Nuxtjs is its robust routing system. Nuxt provides an automated way to configure and generate routes, allowing developers to easily add routes and subroutes without having to manually configure their route map.

The routes are neatly organized and can be nested within each other to create a hierarchical structure.

This helps developers quickly create a comprehensive and organized routing structure, which can be further tweaked according to their needs.

Moreover, Nuxtjs provides an easy-to-use structure for combining different web technologies.

For instance, it allows developers to combine Vue.js components with server-side rendered HTML, Webpack for asset bundling, and Node.js for server-side scripting.

This provides an efficient and powerful way to quickly create full-stack applications. Nuxt also has a great feature for SEO optimization.

It provides an automated way to generate meta tags and can pre-render HTML on the server side. This ensures that search engines can properly crawl and index the content on the webpages, thus improving the visibility of the webpages in search engine result pages.

Another great advantage of using Nuxtjs is that it supports server-side rendering. This feature allows developers to render pages and components on the server, rather than having to wait for the client-side JavaScript code to run and generate the UI.

This helps to improve the performance of the application, and also provides a smoother experience for the users.

Finally, Nuxtjs offers an extensive range of useful modules and plugins that developers can use to further extend the capabilities of the framework. This includes modules for authentication, internationalization, analytics, and more.

This allows developers to quickly add features to their applications and makes it easier to customize the application according to their requirements.

Overall, Nuxtjs offers an array of advantages for developers who are looking to build Vue.js applications quickly.

Its automated routing, integration of different web technologies, SEO optimization, server-side rendering, and range of modules and plugins make it a powerful and convenient solution for creating full-stack applications.

Nuxt js Learning Resources

Learning Nuxt.js can be intimidating, but there are numerous resources available online to help developers get started.

  • The official Nuxt.js documentation is an excellent resource for beginners. This guide contains information about Nuxt.js components, configuration, and more. It is regularly updated and is an invaluable source for those wanting to learn more about Nuxt.js.
  • The Nuxt.js website also has a selection of nuxt courses and tutorials, examples, and resources. These tutorials provide step-by-step instructions on how to build applications using Nuxt.js. The website also has a list of helpful Nuxt.js plugins and third-party libraries.
  • The Nuxt.js GitHub page is a great source for developers who want to contribute to the project. Developers can submit bug reports, feature requests, and even propose pull requests.
  • For those looking for more extensive resources, there are a variety of e-books and online courses available. Udemy, Coursera, Egghead all have online courses dedicated to teaching Nuxt.js. Other courses include:
  • Nuxt.js Fundamentals at
  • Learn Nuxt.js by Building a Real World App – Mastering Nuxt
  • Learn Nuxt.js | Codecourse
  • There are also a variety of online communities dedicated to Nuxt.js. These communities can provide support and resources to developers of all skill levels. Reddit, Stack Overflow, and Discord are three popular communities that have active Nuxt.js discussions.
  • Finally, there is a selection of Nuxt.js conferences and meetups available. These events provide an excellent opportunity to meet other Nuxt.js developers and learn from experienced professionals. In conclusion, there are numerous resources available for those wanting to learn Nuxt.js.

With all these resources, developers can quickly learn how to build amazing applications with Nuxt.js.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Nuxt better than Vue?

Nuxt is a framework that builds on top of Vue, and provides a lot of additional features such as server-side rendering and automatic code splitting that make it a great choice for building complex applications. That said, Vue is still a great choice for simpler projects, as it is a very lightweight framework. Ultimately, the decision will come down to the individual needs of the project.

Is NUXT JS easy to learn?

Nuxt.js is generally considered to be quite easy to learn. It follows similar concepts and conventions to Vue, so if you already have some familiarity with Vue, then you will likely find it even easier to pick up. Nuxt.js is also well documented with lots of resources, tutorials, and guides available online to help you get started.

What is NUXT JS used for?

Nuxt.js is a framework for creating universal Vue.js applications. It is used to create modern web applications that are fast, scalable, and universal. It simplifies the development of complex single-page applications, as its main purpose is to simplify and streamline the development process. Nuxt.js provides a powerful folder structure to allow developers to easily create a project. It also builds powerful routing with file-based dynamic routing, layouts, server-side rendering, and many other features. Nuxt helps developers quickly and easily create applications with the modern stack of Vue.js, Webpack, Babel, and Node.js.

Is NUXT JS frontend or backend?

Nuxt.js is a frontend technology, as it is used to create the user interface for web applications. It is based on Vue.js and is used to create Single Page Applications (SPAs). Nuxt.js provides a great platform to create both the client-side and server-side of an application. It also provides server-side rendering, and tools to help speed up the development process.

What is difference between Vue and NUXT JS?

The main difference between Vue and Nuxt.js is that Nuxt.js provides a pre-configured structure for developing Vue applications. Nuxt.js is a framework for creating universal Vue.js applications that helps to create complex, fast, and universal web applications quickly. It simplifies the development of universal or single page Vue apps. Nuxt.js comes with routing and server-side rendering out of the box, as well as a folder-based config approach to help you get up and running quickly and easily. This makes it ideal for creating SEO friendly Single-Page Applications with server-side rendering. Additionally, Nuxt.js provides a plethora of features that makes it ideal for creating enterprise-grade applications, such as built-in routing, Nuxt modules, etc. Therefore, if you are looking for a more advanced and feature-rich way of creating Vue applications, then Nuxt.js is the way to go.


In conclusion, learning Nuxt.js online is a great way to get up and running quickly, and it can be done with relative ease, even for those with little to no experience with web development.

With good online resources and tutorials, anyone can learn the fundamentals of Nuxt.js and get started creating web applications.

Once the basics are mastered, more advanced topics such as server-side rendering, progressive web apps, and plugins can be explored to create more sophisticated applications.

Ultimately, learning Nuxt.js online can open up a world of possibilities for web development.

David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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