Top 13 Best React Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 7, 2024
Top 13 Best React Courses (Online)

React courses for beginners

1. Mastering React

Mosh Hamedani Online course by Mosh Hamedani certification icon Certification available

This comprehensive course is designed to teach developers, both new and seasoned, how to build fast and interactive React apps. It covers modern JavaScript features, reusable components, tables and lists with pagination, sorting and searching, forms with validation, routing, HTTP services, authentication and authorization, error handling, Function Components and Hooks, React Context and more. The course also teaches tips from experienced React developers, best practices, common mistakes and practical shortcuts. Upon completion, learners will be able to build and deploy React apps with confidence.

2. React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)

4.6/5 (611502 students) Read the reviews
Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller Online course by Academind by Maximilian Schwarzmüller certification icon Certification available

This course is a comprehensive guide to React, from the ground up. You will learn all the key fundamentals, as well as advanced concepts and related topics. The course includes two paths: the "complete" path (full 40h course) and the "summary" path (~4h summary module).

3. The Modern React Bootcamp (Hooks, Context, NextJS, Router)

4.7/5 (37270 students) Read the reviews
Colt Steele Online course by Colt Steele certification icon Certification available

This course covers the basics of React, from the very basics up to advanced topics like Next JS, React Router, Higher Order Components and Hooks and the Context API. The course culminates in one huge capstone project.

4. React Tutorial and Projects Course

4.7/5 (37214 students) Read the reviews
John Smilga Online course by John Smilga certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to teach students how to use React to build various projects. The course will cover topics such as the React API, redux-toolkit, and building projects such as a birthday reminder, tours, reviews, and more.

5. React Front To Back

4.7/5 (33370 students) Read the reviews
Brad Traversy Online course by Brad Traversy certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you how to use React, including how to create a Flux pattern using the Context API with the useContext and useReducer hooks. You will also build a full stack MERN application with a custom Express backend API that uses JWT (JSON Web Token) for authentication. In addition, you will create a project that uses Redux.

6. React and Typescript: Build a Portfolio Project

4.7/5 (28134 students) Read the reviews
Stephen Grider Online course by Stephen Grider certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you how to use React and Typescript to build a large, interesting app. You will learn how to solve challenges around bundling and transpiling code in the browser, and how to deploy your app to the NPM registry.

7. Complete React Developer Masterclass for Beginners

4.4/5 (21287 students) Read the reviews
Data Is Good Academy Online course by Data Is Good Academy certification icon Certification available

This online bootcamp provides an introduction to React JS, a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. The course covers topics such as JSX, components, props, state and lifecycle, event handlers, conditional rendering, lists and keys, forms, CSS, fragments, pure components, memo, forwarding refs, portals, error boundary, higher order component, render props, context, HTTP, and React Router. The course includes exercises and quizzes.

Advanced React courses

1. Advanced React and Redux

4.4/5 (81238 students) Read the reviews
Stephen Grider Online course by Stephen Grider certification icon Certification available

This course is for people who want to learn React and Redux in order to build web applications. The lessons covers topics such as writing tests for React and Redux code, Higher Order Components, and authentication.

2. Testing React with Jest and React Testing Library (RTL)

4.6/5 (21030 students) Read the reviews
Bonnie Schulkin Online course by Bonnie Schulkin certification icon Certification available

This course teaches best practices for React Testing Library and provides a solid foundation for React app tests. The syllabus covers a broad range of testing examples and builds up to complex concepts gradually. The lessons also provides "code quizzes" while building the course projects, where you can apply what you learned and then watch a video to see the solution. The (optional) final section provides even more exercises to complete the second app and reinforce concepts from the course.

3. The Complete Guide to Advanced React Component Patterns

4.5/5 (8681 students) Read the reviews
Ohans Emmanuel Online course by Ohans Emmanuel certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to teach advanced React patterns in a simple and approachable way. The goal is to set students apart as one of the few engineers who have mastered this. The lessons will cover patterns that are geared towards component reusability. It is taught by a senior frontend engineer who has actually worked with these patterns.

Free React tutorials

1. React Fundamentals

4.2/5 (41957 students) Read the reviews
Edvinas Daugirdas Online course by Edvinas Daugirdas

In this free tutorial, you will learn the basics of React, a JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. You will learn about React elements, JSX, components, props, state, lifecycle methods, containers, form and input management, conditional rendering, and React Router V4.

2. React.js, quick start

4.1/5 (24571 students) Read the reviews
Dina Esmaeili Online course by Dina Esmaeili

This free online course is designed to help you learn ReactJS and use it to build web applications. You will need some knowledge of programming and HTML/CSS, but you will learn ES6 and ES7 during the course.

There are a lot of reasons to learn React. It’s a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces and has a lot of potential for future growth.

Plus, it’s a great way to improve your skills as a web developer.

Learning React Online: A Student’s Guide

What is React?

React is a front-end JavaScript library that was created by Facebook in 2011. It’s used for handling the view layer for web and mobile apps.

React can also be used with other frameworks.

React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It lets you create reusable components so that your code is easy to read and maintain.

When Facebook released React, they included a few features that other front-end frameworks didn’t have at the time.

One of these features is the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM is a JavaScript object that represents the DOM. React uses the virtual DOM to keep track of what changes need to be made to the actual DOM. This makes React apps more responsive and fast.

Another feature that sets React apart is JSX. JSX is a syntax extension of JavaScript that allows you to write HTML-like code inside JavaScript files. This makes your code more readable and easy to write.

React is also component-based. This means that your code is organized into small, reusable pieces. This makes your code more maintainable and easy to scale.

If you’re looking for a front-end framework that is fast, efficient, and easy to use, then React is a good choice.

Who should learn react? (prerequisites)

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is Declarative, component-based, and easy to learn.

But who should learn React?

You should have a basic understanding of JavaScript. React is a JavaScript library, so you will need to be familiar with the language to get the most out of it.

See our article about the best Javascript courses to get started if you don’t already have a grasp of Javascript.

If you are already familiar with other JavaScript frameworks such as AngularJS or KnockoutJS, you will find React very different.

It is not a full-fledged framework, but rather a library that you can use to build user interfaces.

The value of React Education in the job market

React has been gaining popularity lately as a front-end web development tool. Because of this, more and more companies are starting to use React in their web applications.

As a result, there is an increasing demand for React developers. Getting some React education will help you in the job market.

Many companies are looking for React developers, so having some React education will make you more attractive to these companies. In addition, React is a tool thdat is constantly changing and evolving.

Keep up to date with the latest evolution with online courses and you will be able to keep up with the latest changes and be able to use React to its full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I learn React in 2 weeks?

It is possible to learn React in 2 weeks, but it would be a very intensive and challenging process. It is recommended that people who want to learn React have at least a few months to dedicate to learning the framework.

How long does it take to learn React?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is estimated that it would take around two months for a person with a basic understanding of JavaScript to learn React. The time frame could be shorter or longer depending on the person's level of experience with JavaScript and other programming languages.

Is React easy to learn?

React is not easy to learn. It's a JavaScript library, so you need to have a basic understanding of JavaScript in order to use it. Once you understand the basics of React, you can start building simple applications. However, it takes time and practice to become a proficient React developer.

What is React used for?

React is a front-end JavaScript library that is used for building user interfaces and creating single-page applications. It is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library that is used by many developers and companies such as Facebook, Instagram, Netflix, and more.

Is React Java or JavaScript?

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It was created by Facebook and is used by a number of companies including Airbnb, Walmart, and Instagram. React is not Java.

Is React similar to Python?

No, React is not similar to Python. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, while Python is a programming language. React is used for developing website and mobile applications, while Python is used for data science, artificial intelligence, and other scientific and engineering applications.

Why React is so popular?

React is so popular because it makes creating user interfaces simpler and more efficient. When working with React, you only have to update the parts of your application that have changed, which makes your code more maintainable. Additionally, React is fast, scalable, and can be used on the server-side as well as the client-side.

What is the difference between React and React Native?

React is a JavaScript library that lets developers create user interfaces and build components and features for websites and web applications. React Native is a framework that allows developers to create native mobile applications for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. React Native apps are written using JavaScript and React and are compiled to native code, allowing for the creation of apps with a native look and feel.


Although there are many ways to learn React online, the most effective way is to find a comprehensive course that covers all the basics and then build on that foundation with more specialized tutorials.

Once you have a strong understanding of React, you can then start using it to build amazing user interfaces.

There are many great courses available online, so there is no excuse not to start learning React today!


David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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