Top 10 Best Bootstrap Courses (Online)

David Brown (Senior Developer) Updated March 17, 2024
Top 10 Best Bootstrap Courses (Online)

Bootstrap courses for beginners

1. Bootstrap: Create Responsive mobile first websites

4.4/5 (58703 students) Read the reviews
Laurence Svekis Online course by Laurence Svekis certification icon Certification available

Students will learn how to create websites with Bootstrap, customizing their website content with prebuilt classes and element attributes to bring in the amazing functionality of Bootstrap. Progression of the course includes lessons on how to setup HTML templates, create grids, add components, and make adjustments with colors and other utilities. It also provides source code and examples of Bootstrap components such as alerts, badges, breadcrumb, buttons, cards, carousels, collapse, dropdowns, forms, jumbotron, list groups, modals, responsive collapsing nav and navbars, pagination, popovers, progress bar, scrollspy, spinners, toasts, and tooltips.

2. Bootstrap Ultimate Guide

4.3/5 (145805 students) Read the reviews
Learn Tech Plus Online course by Learn Tech Plus certification icon Certification available

This Bootstrap 4 Ultimate Course is a comprehensive course designed to teach students everything they need to know to start building websites with Bootstrap 4. It begins with the basics, and then takes students through the fundamentals of Bootstrap 4. There are 5 hours of hands-on tutorials, covering topics such as Containers, Grid, Typography, Colors, Tables, Images, Jumbotron, Alerts, Buttons, Button Groups, Badges, Progress Bars, Spinners, Pagination, List Groups, Cards, Dropdowns, Collapse, Navs, Navbar, Forms, Inputs, Input Groups, Custom Forms, Carousel, Modal, Tooltip, Popover, Toast, Scrollspy, Utilities, Flex, Icons, Media Objects, and Filters. It is great for both beginners and advanced developers.

3. Bootstrap & jQuery - Certification Course for Beginners

4.6/5 (168525 students) Read the reviews
YouAccel Training Online course by YouAccel Training certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to teach beginners the fundamentals of responsive web design and development using the Bootstrap and jQuery frameworks, with a project-style approach to learning. Students will gain an understanding of how to include Bootstrap files, use the Grid system, build responsive layouts, and use jQuery for animation and interactivity. By the end of the course, students will be able to create stunning, animated web pages.

4. Bootstrap From Scratch - Fast and Responsive Web Development

4.3/5 (92839 students) Read the reviews
Mammoth Interactive Online course by Mammoth Interactive certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you everything you need to know about Bootstrap 3 and 4, from being a complete beginner to becoming a Bootstrap expert in a matter of hours. You will learn the fundamentals of HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. Through projects, you will learn how to create responsive websites, build navigation, create carousels, design mobile first, create a contact form, build a footer, and more!

5. HTML, CSS, & Bootstrap - Certification Course for Beginners

4.3/5 (115465 students) Read the reviews
YouAccel Training Online course by YouAccel Training certification icon Certification available

This course is designed to help aspiring web developers master the art of front-end coding. It covers three essential concepts: HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. The course is divided into three sections, each providing comprehensive lessons, hands-on exercises, and real-world projects to guide students through the process of building and coding web pages.

6. WordPress Development with Bootstrap: The Complete Course

4.2/5 (52237 students) Read the reviews
Brad Hussey Online course by Brad Hussey certification icon Certification available

This course, led by experienced Web Developer & Designer Brad Hussey, teaches students how to create beautiful, custom, and responsive WordPress themes & websites with Bootstrap. Students will learn how to convert any HTML & CSS website into a dynamic WordPress theme, install WordPress, use the WordPress Customizer, understand Object-Oriented Programming, and much more.

7. Web Design Modern SinglePage Website from Scratch Bootstrap

4.7/5 (34327 students) Read the reviews
Laurence Svekis Online course by Laurence Svekis certification icon Certification available

This course will teach you how to create a website from scratch using Bootstrap, a free and open-source front-end web framework. You will learn about the resources and tools needed, and how to use Bootstrap to build page structures and apply styling. You will also get source code, see real-world examples, and get a 100% money back guarantee if you don't like the course. Join now to get started building websites today.

8. Master HTML5 Bootstrap5 & ReactJs From Scratch

4.2/5 (12126 students) Read the reviews
Ramesh Pandey Online course by Ramesh Pandey certification icon Certification available

This Udemy course is designed for students with basic knowledge of HTML, CSS, and ReactJs who are looking to expand their skills. It will cover setting up a local development environment and creating a fully functional professional website with features like a navigation bar, footer, carousel, featured posts section, contact us form, and more. Through a step-by-step approach, Bootstrap 5 classes will be utilized to make the website professional and responsive.

Free Bootstrap tutorials

1. Bootstrap Quick Start: Code Modern Responsive Websites

4.5/5 (134147 students) Read the reviews
Brad Hussey Online course by Brad Hussey

This free course provides an introduction to Twitter Bootstrap 4, the latest version of the popular web development framework. Learners will gain an understanding of the new features as well as how to set up an efficient workflow and build 3 different responsive websites. SASS installation is also covered. The course is free and of high quality, so enroll now!

2. Complete Bootstrap course - build 3 projects

4.4/5 (89210 students) Read the reviews
Igneus Technologies Online course by Igneus Technologies

This free tutorial provides an in-depth exploration of Bootstrap 4, a framework for responsive web design. Students should have basic HTML and CSS knowledge. During the course, they will learn how to create projects from scratch, read the Bootstrap 4 documentation, understand the syntax, and use new elements like cards and media queries.

If you’re developing a website, chances are you’ve heard of Bootstrap.

Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that has become a staple in web development. It provides an easy way to create responsive websites quickly and efficiently.

But have you ever asked yourself, “Why should I learn Bootstrap?”Let’s explore why learning Bootstrap is a great idea for any web developer.

Learning Bootstrap Online: A Student’s Guide

What is Bootstrap?

Bootstrap is a free and open-source front-end development framework for creating websites and web applications. Bootstrap was developed by Mark Otto and Jacob Thornton at Twitter, and released as an open-source product in August 2011.

It is based on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and is a useful tool for quickly creating responsive, mobile-first web designs.

Bootstrap’s core components are pre-built and designed to fit together seamlessly. This makes it easy to create consistent, responsive web designs without having to write lengthy code.

It also includes a library of reusable components and plugins, which can be used to add functionality to websites and applications.

The main advantages of Bootstrap include the ability to quickly create responsive designs, the ability to quickly debug and test designs on different devices, and the ability to quickly create cross-browser compatible designs.

Additionally, Bootstrap is supported by a large community of developers, who provide support for the framework and help to keep it up-to-date.

Benefits of Using Bootstrap

Bootstrap makes it easy for web designers to quickly create responsive websites.

It does this by providing pre-made templates and other tools to help web designers get started quickly and easily.

These tools allow developers to quickly adjust the layout, styling, and overall look of their website without having to start from scratch. This makes it much easier to create a website that looks great on any device, whether it’s a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

Bootstrap also helps developers to create mobile-friendly websites. It uses a mobile-first approach to web design, which means that it is designed with mobile users in mind.

This ensures that websites created with Bootstrap look great on any device, regardless of the size or capabilities of the device.

Finally, Bootstrap is very easy to learn. Its syntax is easy to understand and it comes with a lot of documentation that makes it easy for developers to learn how to use it.

Resources for Learning Bootstrap

If you’re interested in learning Bootstrap, there are many resources available to help you get started.

Books: There are a number of books available that teach Bootstrap from the ground up.

Some of the best include

  • Bootstrap 4 Basics: A Guide to Understanding and Getting Started with Bootstrap 4 by Sonar Systems
  • Bootstrap 4 Quick Start Guide: A Beginner-Friendly Approach to Building Responsive Websites with Bootstrap by Jacob Lett
  • Head First Bootstrap: A Brain-Friendly Guide to Building Responsive Websites with Bootstrap 4 by Elisabeth Robson

Online Courses:

There are also a number of online courses available, which provide a more in-depth look at Bootstrap. Besides the list on this page, some of the best include

Tutorials: If you’re more of a self-learner, there are a number of tutorials available online. Some of the best include

Blogs: There are also many blogs available that provide in-depth tutorials, tips, and tricks for getting the most out of Bootstrap. Some of the best include

These are just a few of the resources available for learning Bootstrap. With the right guidance, you can quickly become an expert in Bootstrap and create amazing websites and web applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to learn Bootstrap?

The best way to learn Bootstrap is to use a combination of resources such as online tutorials, video tutorials, and books. Additionally, it is important to practice what you have learned and to explore existing Bootstrap templates and themes to gain an understanding of how they are created. Building your own projects is one of the best ways to learn, as it allows you to apply and practice the skills you have acquired.

Is Bootstrap hard to learn?

Overall, Bootstrap is considered to be an easy-to-learn framework, as it is based on HTML and CSS, two languages that are relatively straightforward to learn. The comprehensive documentation, tutorials, and helpful developer community make it even easier to pick up the basics and dive into more advanced Bootstrap concepts. Due to its popularity, there is also a vast library of Bootstrap themes, templates, and components available to help speed up development.

How long does it take to learn Bootstrap?

Although it is possible to learn the basics of Bootstrap in a day or two, it can take a few weeks to become proficient. The more time you spend learning the various components of the framework, the better your results will be.

What is Bootstrap used for?

Bootstrap is an open-source front-end web development framework that is used for creating responsive and mobile-first websites and web applications. It is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript-based design templates for developing the web pages and user interfaces. It offers pre-built components and a grid system for creating page layouts quickly and easily. It also provides an extensive collection of plugins and extension components for implementing advanced features such as pop-up modals and carousels. Bootstrap is an ideal solution for quickly developing modern, responsive websites and web applications.

Is Bootstrap HTML or CSS?

Bootstrap is a toolkit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript components, styles, and plugins that is used to develop mobile-first, responsive, and front-end web projects. It is a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that provides developers with a set of reusable code and user interface elements to build websites. It is open source, so anyone can use it for free.

Is Bootstrap a programming language?

No, Bootstrap is not a programming language. It is an open-source front-end web framework that is used for developing websites and web applications. It was developed by the Twitter team and is currently maintained by the open-source community. Bootstrap provides code-based support for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but it is not a programming language itself.

Is Bootstrap still in demand?

Yes, Bootstrap is still in demand. It is one of the most popular front-end frameworks and is used by web developers to create mobile-friendly web applications. Bootstrap is used to quickly build responsive and mobile-first websites, and its library of components, plugins, and tutorials makes it a popular choice for web designers. With its easy-to-use grid system, and customizable components, Bootstrap is an essential tool for any web developer.

Do big companies use Bootstrap?

Yes, big companies use Bootstrap as a front-end framework to create responsive web designs that look great on all devices and screen sizes. Major tech companies such as Microsoft, Twitter, and LinkedIn have all incorporated Bootstrap into their websites. Bootstrap is also used by leading web design agencies and freelance developers around the world.

Can you get a job with Bootstrap?

Yes, you can get a job with Bootstrap. Bootstrap is a popular front-end web development tool that is used to create websites and web applications. As such, there are many web development positions available that involve using Bootstrap, ranging from entry-level positions such as front-end web developers to more advanced roles like web designers and developers. Additionally, there are many freelance and contract opportunities for those with experience in Bootstrap, making it a great option for those looking to get into the web development industry.


In conclusion, learning Bootstrap is an essential tool for web developers, providing them with numerous features and customization options to create a website that is visually appealing, functional, and responsive.

Learning the basics of Bootstrap can help developers create high-quality websites quickly and efficiently, while more advanced techniques can allow them to customize their webpages to a greater extent.

With its growing popularity, Bootstrap has become a popular web development framework and is quickly becoming the de facto choice for web developers looking to create modern websites.

David Brown
About the author

David is a self-taught senior developer who lives in San Diego. He has over 10 years of experience in the software development industry and has worked on a variety of projects. He has a passion for coding, and a keen interest in the latest online education technology.

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